Thursday, October 15, 2009

Culinary Divinity

October has been pastry month.

when I walk out my door and head to work, the very next door down from mine belongs to a cafe. this cafe happens to sell butter and sugar and chocolate combined in magnificent ways to produce the most delightful sort of deserts and snacks. I realized that it was a shame not to partake of this beautiful opportunity to embrace local culinary ventures... and then i realized it was also a shame not to partake of the opportunity by my work... or the one i pass going to the Piazza by the university.... in any case, i've been trying deserts from different places and found more than a few that are simply wonderful. and here they are:

The shop by Porta Romana does a fancy wrapping job for their 'take away' customers.

I also found a pomegranate that was so beautiful. It's taste was more vibrant than any pomegranate i've ever eaten before.

Incidentally, November is looking like celery, arugula, and more dedication to my running routine month... ha.

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